UI improvements
Just going to lay them out
1 put the sustain pedal on the velocity screen. This will allow for a more dynamic sounding performance
2. Move the search and folder icons to the sidebar (less tapping frustration) put the features in plain sight
2.1 keep the erase/overdub visible always. Appearing/disappearing UI controls give me anxiety for some reason
they can highlight when activated just like every other control.
2.2 holding erase should give an option to erase all notes on a pad or erase the whole pattern
3. A save disc icon on the sidebar
4. Set the root key and octave in the scale menu
4. add scene control to the pattern window
5. In the available space around the right or below the pads add a scene toggle (something we can incrementally step through)
6. Rather than creating and deleting scenes it might be simpler to just have a number like 128 scenes. The contents of each scene can be copied and pasted or cleared but not duplicated or deleted and the numbering ALWAYS remains constant
Thanks for reading
1 put the sustain pedal on the velocity screen. This will allow for a more dynamic sounding performance
2. Move the search and folder icons to the sidebar (less tapping frustration) put the features in plain sight
2.1 keep the erase/overdub visible always. Appearing/disappearing UI controls give me anxiety for some reason

2.2 holding erase should give an option to erase all notes on a pad or erase the whole pattern
3. A save disc icon on the sidebar
4. Set the root key and octave in the scale menu
4. add scene control to the pattern window
5. In the available space around the right or below the pads add a scene toggle (something we can incrementally step through)
6. Rather than creating and deleting scenes it might be simpler to just have a number like 128 scenes. The contents of each scene can be copied and pasted or cleared but not duplicated or deleted and the numbering ALWAYS remains constant
Thanks for reading
Pretty interesting. Those are simple changes too and anything that can remove a "step" to achieve a basic action is definitely something to consider.
Regarding the 'Sustain Pedal' it could be 'per pad' with an optional 'smart latch mode'.
Meaning first tap on a pad triggers the sound and enables sustain and second tap on the pad releases it.
This would be quite handy for those who 'perform' using the pads and a total PITA for recording
@samu, I didn't get your comment at first but now I do and I agree, the sustain should just work for the selected pad. I'm not sure why it would be a problem for recording as the sustain or damper is already present in the automation.
It could cause a load of 'hanging notes'(especially the 'latch mode') since each key on a the selected pad would have the option to be 'latched' instead of just one global sustain for all the keys on one pad.
Normal 'Damper/Sustain' would not cause any issues though.
Think of 'latch mode' as pushing down a pad and letting it stay down until pushed again.
@samu I get latch mode. Garageband has the same feature, which is where I took the idea
That 'feature' is quite buggy in GarageBand if the latch mode is on when a section wraps around
(Ie. If I 'forget' to release the sustain pedal before the section loops I get a very short note at the beginning of the section since GB 'doesn't know' that my intention was to keep the notes playing for the entire section, so Instead of playing long notes, i play short ones and extend them in the editor which I have to say is pretty darn good minus the lack of controller & automation editing).
The sustain pedal at least on a piano also behaves a bit differently.
(Ie. on Piano the short note-events play to the end without being 'cut off' so most piano parts get 'played' with the sustain switch turned on 99% of the time).
But yeah, the general Idea here is to trigger a loop and let it play until the pad is tapped again