option to adjust start/end point of a sample with maybe arrow buttons (left < right >
can be tricky at times when doing intricate sample editing on the touch screen for those without the pencil. I will be getting one but really is more hands on beatmaking without a pencil.
The arrow buttons could be placed near the +/- wave form zoom in sample edit.
The entire waveform editor needs some tweaking, zero crossing snap doesn’t work, sample start/end and loop start/end markers move on their own, when doing a zoom using pinch(pinch should be banned but there is no other way to zoom fully) the editor switches between loop and start/end and consequently loses the zoom (this is actually so infuriating that work on forum resources has just ground to a halt for me, I just can’t be bothered getting that annoyed with software tools) cross fade loop does nothing whatsoever, the zoom to marker buttons >| don’t fully zoom around the markers (that would fix your issue cause when fully zoomed the markers move per sample, which is the highest possible precision)
Bit of luck it gets fixed soon though.
yeh few things in sample edit bit buggy - i press the "loop" button when editing it dont switch on..Dont get me wrong bm3 is a good tool but maybe they rushed the release and need to really tweak a few essential things
Not sure it was rushed, at some point you have to put out a release and the add and tweak from there, or it never gets released.
They are trying to fix stuff, my biggest worry right now is that they still insist on adding new features every release, so right now it’s ten bugs fixed ten bugs added.
Yeah, The button next to Start/End is just a 'switch', the loop need to be 'turned on' first before it button does anything. There are also some things that feel like 'logical fails' when comparing it to other sample-editors.
I'm not a huge fan on the Loop Start/End handles and would love to see them being more 'distinct'.
As an example use the upper handles to set the sample Start/End bounds of the sample and the lower handles to set the loop start/end. Now it's just 'jumpy behaviour when the 'loop start/end handles' move up/down to avoid over-lap with the start/end handles.
As for 'touch gestures' it would also be handy to have an option for the handles to snap to the tapped position.
Long tap on upper half of the sample could set the start position while long tap on the bottom half of the sample would sent the end location. After that it would be easier to zoom in and do finer adjustment...
And yepp, the < > for moving both start/end points as well as loop start/end would make it easier to fine-tune loop points. But I suppose these will come when the sound-engine is ready to deal with dynamic loop points (ie. change the loop position while the sample is playing). Those < > buttons would also be needed for 'focus actions' making it possible to edit the sample using an external controller (need to have some 'buttons' to bind the controllers to).
Sadly enough I've gotten used to the quirks in the sample-editor...
good points you made there - there's nothing major just a few logical things can be added the < > is a given for fine editing and copy to pads are my main ones.
+1, great suggestions in there, some are in the works or planned.
personally i like the start/end handles - for me way more precise for touch screen editing.
I do like them handles as well, but when handle tabs 'jump around' i get annoyed, hence the suggestion to move the 'handle tabs' of the loop handles to the bottom and keep the bounds handles on top.
I do like the 'pinch to zoom' to zoom into the waveform for more detailed editing but for example in slice mode the priority of the touch goes to selecting a slice then zoom, it would be smoother if it was the opposite, ie zoom first them tap to select the slice.
For example when editing loop-points it would be nice with an overlay of the looping section so when moving the loop-points the 'loop' would get overlaid making it easier to see when the loop is as 'perfect' as it can be
Pinch to zoom is terrible, do you guys all have double jointed wrists ?
When my hand is on the screen, my thumb and fingers go up and down, not left and right, you have to twist yourself inside out to pinch zoom hahaha
Pinch zoom works on a phone where you can easily rotate the device, that is what it was designed for and where it should stay in my book.
i hear you - coming from 20 years on akai mpc and akai s950 sampler screens though the bm3 zoom is a treat :-)
with < > start / end buttons implemented I'am good to go.
i hear you - coming from 20 years on akai mpc and akai s950 sampler screens though the bm3 zoom is a treat :-)
with < > start / end buttons implemented I'am good to go.
quick question if poss - what is the zero crossing snap for?
Snaps markers to the zero crossing line of the sample, these are the points in the waveform where you will want the loop markers to be for looping.
It doesn't actually work though lol
ok cheers i gather meant to snap to transients in waveform
Yeah sort of, but only because everybody uses the word Transient wrong in audio hahaha, so no not really lol.
It actually snaps to the zero crossing point before the transient, but because some bright spark once called auto slice based on transients, transient detection, everybody now thinks that a transient is the start point of a portion of sound, when in fact a transient is the entire portion of sound (Attack through to decay) and the zero crossing immediately before that is what auto slice has to slice at.
And after using Intuas current snap to zero, there is no way they ever had a usable auto slice based on transients and they did the right thing pulling it.
Lets be fair though, they are a few guys, and they simply can't be expert in everything, so some stuff will take a bunch of research, and when you have feature requests coming left and right, it is hard to find that time for research.
Trust me, i updated the feature request forum today and there was like 30 new feature request last month, plus the 10 or so that where repeats, and non of them are small requests hahahaha
i hear ya .
If it isn’t already mentioned, I’d also like to be able to tap and drag the loop brackets, to move the loop area quickly.