In-app search not returning correct results

edited January 2018 in Bug reports

I am seeing some buggy behaviour using the in-app search function. E.g: I will load in some samples that contain the word conga. Rescan database. It then finds them in the full list of samples but when I type the word conga into the search field it does not return the samples but it does return other samples that do not appear to have the word conga in them?


  • Also, what is the scope of the sample search? I have created my own folder structure in the root. Is that now outside of the search scope?

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Text search / matching is not the best and needs an upgrade for sure.

  • Also, a really minor point on the search but the cursor appears to the left of the letter. Not the right. Pedantic? Me?

  • @mathieugarcia said:
    Text search / matching is not the best and needs an upgrade for sure.

    Good to know. I’m happy to work around it.

  • yeah, as far as I can tell, search is still as bad as it was in this post:

    I see my Lenzman samples, and I still see them when I'm searching for "len" but if I search for "lenz" then there are no results. odd for sure. this is just an example, as I can also see a sample named "11_LOW_TOM.wav" near the top of my sample list, but if I search for "tom" that sample is not in the results, but samples with "stomp" and "hi-tom" do appear.

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