BUG: Pattern tab in sequencer loses window state (UNRESOLVED)
Steps to reproduce:
1. Go to sequencer (song view)
2. View a pattern using the pattern tab
3. Zoom into that pattern away from the start of pattern like you are working on a section of the pattern.
4. Press song tab, press pattern tab. Remembers window state.
5. Repeat above (maybe twice)
6. Pattern view bounces back to beginning of pattern.
It remembers it once. In dire need of fix.
Fixing this will make editing patterns while song is playing so much nicer as this is the only screen that shows the transport location. It should also help correct some recording pattern automation issues users are having stated in this thread:
Please and thanks for your hard work @mathieugarcia !
Do a video for everyone in a bit. So you know what I'm talking about.
Yep it is so..
Thanks for the reports!
Do you need a video or did I clearly specify?
I think you described it well enough @mefisme! Adding my confirmation as well. I'll add one more thing though: it remembers the view as long as you made a change to that view before going back to song view. That in mind, if you work on a pattern, go to song view, go back to the pattern, if you at least move the pattern slightly in any direction, using the note grid, it will remember again. If you don't move the view from the note grid, or if you just move the view using the top view box left or right, even if you select/add/remove notes, the view will get reset to first bar of the pattern. Touching and moving the view from the note grid isn't a great workaround, I know. @KING Your thread is indeed for the same bug, although all that talk about the forum being weird detracts from the real issue =p
Cool. Thanks for the confirmation and tip. The reason I wasn’t moving anything is because I was editing the pattern itself or recording automations while watching the transport move across a loop in this view and switching my loop brace in SONG and going back to PATTERN. This way I could continue my edits. But switching the loop brace is an idle thing and has no effect to moving/editing patterns. Since it does seem to remember it twice, it is implied it’s supposed to remember. a simple fix for the window state to always stay put would be nice. Otherwise, we are constantly refocusing. Supporting the ability to work on a pattern and see the loop simultaneously. Moving transport line love. Make sense?
Well, I post how I get it mate. If the forum is acting up whilst I’m posing, then I will talk about it, right then and right there.
(2 Real Issues In 1)
When I added the link above, it wasn’t for me seeking any confirmation etc. I already know it is a bug. ‘Since August 2017’. I post my links to show that they (the report at least) have been around for a while, and some info in them may help things/people along the way..
@mefisme yeah, I get it. Window state should not revert to anything different than what it was before changing views, in my opinion. Also to clarify, I meant if you touch and move the note grid inside pattern view, effectively making no changes except for the pattern viewing window, is the workaround. Also to correct myself, vertical view movement alone will not prevent the view from reverting to the first bar, it has to be horizontal view movement. Before jumping back to song view, make sure you’ve touched and moved the pattern view using the note grid. It would be awesome to see and move the song transport position while in pattern view, also allowing to change the loop brace.
@ronji. Isn’t there a pattern loop duration control in this view. I don’t think there is any space to add the loop brace as well. Would be nice, but not seeing the space and could cause some unwanted touch accidents.
May I also add the stop behavior of where the transport starts also has no effect to the bug.
I definitely see bug reports and other discussions getting buried. We don’t have a master consolidated bug list anymore for us or devs to make it easier for them. so sorry if I hadn’t noticed you already posted this bug. Thanks for tagging the link in this thread. It will now be re-noticed and hopefully fixed.
No problem! and Your welcome! ... (Guys!)
It’s nice that we have some core users who are willing to organize their threads themselves and participate here in the forum. Having one moderator makes it difficult for that moderator to reorganize every single post in such a way that prevents confusion. Think of all the bugs that have been fixed but haven’t been moved to fixed? Poor @5pinlink had to deprecate his list. Lol.
What do you mean there is no bug list ?
Its stickied at the top of the bug forum and i updated it last week ?
I got rid of the consolidated feature request list because it was pointless, the bugs list is going no where.
Maybe i should sticky it across all forum views ?
For the record the original idea was a consolidated bug list, i did the fr list as an experiment, which didnt work.
But let me just say that people need to not argue over bugs, or their relationship to previously reported bugs, more information is always better for the developers.
We are all overexcited kids right now about Beatmaker, which says a hell of a lot about Intuas work in general, its 6 months old and we are still this excited, its rare that the new shiny shiny has not replaced it completely which places it solidly in the category of very very serious software/DAW.
This does have the side effect of a bit of overheated replying here on the forum, lets carry on and keep reporting
@mefisme not sure if I follow, but as far as I know the only loop duration control is in song view, via the loop braces. There’s a brace in pattern view, but as far as I can tell the only purpose it serves is to show or adjust how much of the pattern exists in song view. Unless you’re referring to the duration in the track helper pattern list (or at the bottom of the screen)? I haven't used that much, but it does apparently control how much of the pattern loops, from the start of the pattern, when said pattern is "active" in the track helper and therefore looping regardless of song transport position. Maybe this also comes into play when using scene mode (which I also never use)? I think this pattern duration is supposed to be used to set the actual duration of the pattern, not to loop some amount of the pattern. But anyway I also can’t think of a good way to show the song transport position and loop braces in pattern view.
@KING no worries, and sorry we didn't notice your thread back in August!
@5pinlink hope I'm not coming across as arguing
I was careful not to use the word Argument hahahaha
I haven't seen any in this thread at all, point i wanted to make is that all discussion should be had, even if it is heated, it is still just discussion unless name calling and all that crap happens, which we rarely get here
No worries @ronji,
I will always speak for myself regardless. The comment poked me a little. But we are good.
Life is _ _ _ _ _ enough. I am a Mature Power user of an app (BM3). That’s all, not the developer just a user/customer.
Just come here to help out from time to time! (In my way)

My other reporting is ‘behind’ the scenes
All is well..
note, having pattern automation opened also stops the view from reverting to the first bar, however the vertical zoom does seem to change, which is real annoying.
cheers @5pinlink for making that bug list sticky. I think it will be helpful for anyone visiting the forum, whether new visitor or veteran poster, with a big list of known bugs at the top! granted, if someone doesn't want to see it, they can dismiss the announcement.
@5pinlink who’s name calling? And I stand corrected. Brain mistake on bug list. Thought bug list was deprecated. It was feature requests. I wasn’t saying anything negative about ya. implying users who are active and are willing to help everyone out (users and devs) including you is nice. Sorry for the lack of clarification. There is no arguing here. Just trying to support everyone’s back burned discussions and new ones. Yes, BM3 has me hooked. Nothing bad, but I’m def an addict.
@mefisme pretty sure @5pinlink was just saying discussoin is good until it devolves into name calling, not which has happened in this thread or any that I’ve seen recently, but it has happened in the past. I don’t think we would be well served going any further than that, though, as I don’t think anyone wants to talk about past aggressions.
I won’t tag names again not involved in conversation to prevent confusion unless wanting input. This is my fault. Sorry.
Don't get me started on another bug with pattern midi/pattern automation windows where the window never stays closed. lol! I'll make a separate thread for that one.