BUG: Pad grid not bound to pad area. Causes unwanted triggers (3.0.4 to present)

edited March 2018 in Bug reports

Im fairly certain this has been here since initial release, but for whatever reason (mouse input data or a design decision) the pad grid in no way has it's own boundaries. This causes a slew of issues such as modes turning on automatically, velocity trigger, wheels (pitch wheel), scale selection, chord selection can trigger notes while you are sustaining (holding out another note.) You can also switch views and play pads on different screens if you never lift your finger. It's a mess.

Users, Watch out for this! if you are wondering why things are triggering, latching, changing. This is why. The pad grid is not locked to the views the pads are displayed on and also don't have an actual grid boundary. They can be played off of pads.

I will post a video when I get the chance.


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