Thanks for creating this thread for me, @5pinlink! I like polls for voting, though, in case anyone would rather be anonymous with their vote.
Edit: thanks for the poll
Get yer votes in if you haven’t! We’ll let this go through today and close the poll tomorrow morning. If there’s a tie, I’ll vote to break it, but I’d honestly rather not! Hahaha.
Sorry for the delay y’all! Been really busy with work crap. Just looked at the tally and we almost have a 3 way tie! @starpause was tied with @tk32 after 11 votes, with @denx seemingly 1 vote behind. I have cast my vote for @starpause to break the tie. It was really difficult to choose!
@starpause is the winner of battle 6! Congrats!! What to do with battle 7 is your call.
@tk32 my enthousiasme was mostly because the wait came to an end, not because you didn’t get the vote (just to be sure in case it didn’t come across that way)!
I liked all the entries, too (and yes, even mine 😜)
We usually get about 8-10 entries per month (this one was unusually quiet).
We'd be delighted to have you join the battles, and we're just waiting for the new battle host @starpause to publish the rules for the Mach/April challenge.
Congrats, guys! Just getting to listen to all of these now. Good work @tk32! Has a junglist/island vibe. The other one is like an electronic/junglist vibe. LOL.
@denx I like the comic value of yours. That drummer is really good. LOL.
@starpause How did you do that video? That's awesome. Congrats on the win.
Omfg, did not expect that at all and didn’t mean to awol, busy week. I’m totally honored!
What to do for 7?! My favorite idea from last thread was to have everyone participate contribute a sample to the pack. Could say a loop or less. Freestyle from there but entries have to be under 3 minutes (liked that rule from last round). What’s etiquette to actually kick it off? Thinking give a week or two for people to express interest then a two weeks to make beats?
If it’s not going to turn people away because it’s work I’d go as far as to say everyone contribute a bank rather than sample. We are all using bm3 and I like the community resource building aspect of the forum, make it collaborative even tho it’s a compo. But also second guessing myself since making the bank from a sample is part of the art, hmm 🤔
@dafingaz said: @starpause How did you do that video? That's awesome. Congrats on the win.
Thank you! If you go to the site in the corner of the video you can make your own. I usually make my own videos with standard definition/ analog gear but was lazy or maybe just too busy since I’m doing photogrammetry this year with my weeklybeats
@ronji said:
Sorry for the delay y’all! Been really busy with work crap. Just looked at the tally and we almost have a 3 way tie! @starpause was tied with @tk32 after 11 votes, with @denx seemingly 1 vote behind. I have cast my vote for @starpause to break the tie. It was really difficult to choose!
@starpause is the winner of battle 6! Congrats!! What to do with battle 7 is your call.
Craaaaaaazeeeeeee thanks for the bump and I gotta say with only three of us participating and the votes so close, we are all winners 🤓💯🔥
@starpause cheers, enjoyed your track! As to freestyle or not, I believe it’s up to you to decide, I don’t mind exploring new genres etc. quite the contrary actually 😉
Hmm kawaii bass is something I suck at making every time I try it's off. So I feel like it's a tough goal for a contest. Vaporwave would be a genre to hit that's easy enough to nail. I like that the classic electronjc music genres are easy to recreate because they were all born from some easy to do trick of the tooling that became available (acid, jungle, electro).
I do like the genre exploration too, so fun learning but it's also so fun collaborating and feel like @5pinlink is the one who really deserves props in the last contest for feeding us such excellent banks... And want to encourage people to share like that! More than I want to hear any specific genre produced.
Thanks for creating this thread for me, @5pinlink! I like polls for voting, though, in case anyone would rather be anonymous with their vote.
Edit: thanks for the poll
Some cool stuff.
Vote cast.
Maybe the hardest vote for me yet - you guys all NAILED it for me on this one.
Get yer votes in if you haven’t! We’ll let this go through today and close the poll tomorrow morning. If there’s a tie, I’ll vote to break it, but I’d honestly rather not! Hahaha.
I'm finding it impossible to cast my vote in this one. I love them both (for different reasons).
Btw.. just to be clear, I'm referring to the entries by @denx and @starpause, not both of mine
@tk32 I love them all, so I’m trying to avoid voting until I have to!
We calling it ?
Fine by me, but it seems we’ve got a tie again 🤔
@ronji decider then
Bearing in mind all my votes are pooled from 2 entries, I don't think either one of them would have beaten @starpause (or @denx) on its own.
On that basis, I think he should be winner
Or you could figure something out together 😊
Well, anything would work for me, stallmate is no fun.
Sorry for the delay y’all! Been really busy with work crap. Just looked at the tally and we almost have a 3 way tie! @starpause was tied with @tk32 after 11 votes, with @denx seemingly 1 vote behind. I have cast my vote for @starpause to break the tie. It was really difficult to choose!
@starpause is the winner of battle 6! Congrats!! What to do with battle 7 is your call.
Yes! Congratulations 🏆
No hard feelings. I liked all the entries (even mine.. a bit
Well done @starpause - I'm excited to see what we do next.
@tk32 my enthousiasme was mostly because the wait came to an end, not because you didn’t get the vote (just to be sure in case it didn’t come across that way)!
I liked all the entries, too (and yes, even mine 😜)
Nice job everyone. I look forward to participating in the next battle.
Thanks @CodeNameV
We usually get about 8-10 entries per month (this one was unusually quiet).
We'd be delighted to have you join the battles, and we're just waiting for the new battle host @starpause to publish the rules for the Mach/April challenge.
Congrats, guys! Just getting to listen to all of these now. Good work @tk32! Has a junglist/island vibe. The other one is like an electronic/junglist vibe. LOL.
@denx I like the comic value of yours. That drummer is really good. LOL.
@starpause How did you do that video? That's awesome. Congrats on the win.
Great job everyone!
Has @starpause gone AWOL?
Don't leave us hanging dude, we're all excited to start on battle #7!!
Omfg, did not expect that at all and didn’t mean to awol, busy week. I’m totally honored!
What to do for 7?! My favorite idea from last thread was to have everyone participate contribute a sample to the pack. Could say a loop or less. Freestyle from there but entries have to be under 3 minutes (liked that rule from last round). What’s etiquette to actually kick it off? Thinking give a week or two for people to express interest then a two weeks to make beats?
If it’s not going to turn people away because it’s work I’d go as far as to say everyone contribute a bank rather than sample. We are all using bm3 and I like the community resource building aspect of the forum, make it collaborative even tho it’s a compo. But also second guessing myself since making the bank from a sample is part of the art, hmm 🤔
Thank you! If you go to the site in the corner of the video you can make your own. I usually make my own videos with standard definition/ analog gear but was lazy or maybe just too busy since I’m doing photogrammetry this year with my weeklybeats
@tk32 nice ID in there and nailed the island vibe!
@denx cracked me up, super fun, love the playful vibe. If 7 wasn’t freestyle I’d have y’all making kawaii bass lol
Craaaaaaazeeeeeee thanks for the bump and I gotta say with only three of us participating and the votes so close, we are all winners 🤓💯🔥
Really leaning towards having participants make banks and calling it the BANK BANK 🎛💸
@dafingaz thanks, I’ll pass the compliment along 😉
@starpause cheers, enjoyed your track! As to freestyle or not, I believe it’s up to you to decide, I don’t mind exploring new genres etc. quite the contrary actually 😉
@denx lol. Please do!
Hmm kawaii bass is something I suck at making every time I try it's off. So I feel like it's a tough goal for a contest. Vaporwave would be a genre to hit that's easy enough to nail. I like that the classic electronjc music genres are easy to recreate because they were all born from some easy to do trick of the tooling that became available (acid, jungle, electro).
I do like the genre exploration too, so fun learning
but it's also so fun collaborating and feel like @5pinlink is the one who really deserves props in the last contest for feeding us such excellent banks... And want to encourage people to share like that! More than I want to hear any specific genre produced.