Glitches and noise

I’m getting glitchy, slowed down audio in BM3 using AU plugins that I do get when using in other iOS DAWs. Is BM3 poorly optimized compared to GarageBand? I’m using an iPad Air 2. BM3 buffer setting is the highest it can go. One instance of Moog Model D and anything else it glitches out. Whereas in GB, I can use both a Moog Model D & Model 15 with no trouble. Any suggestions? Unfortunately, GB sucks in every other way.


  • Odd, was just using Model D, Mood, Ruismaker, Effectrix on an Air1 this morning with CPU at about 75% and no glitching.

  • Model d is not nice to my air2 either (after 30 min you can bake an egg on it), but I have not experienced your problems...

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