Not a major complaint in any way - zero snap in sample editor -start/end aftertouch bit jumpy

With zero snap off after releasing hand from screen start/end points in sample editor moves few milliseconds


  • edited October 2018

    @TONBOGIRI said:
    That's my biggest pet peeve with touchscreens.
    An option box with numeric input would be helpful.

    Plus when working with samples with embedded sampleloops, I often need to move the endpoint over 1-4 samples, so the process is to: fully zoom in, then remember the original value, and move the endpoint over 1 sample, then test the loop. Takes forever, especially when the handlebars jump like you mentioned. That's why I need to remember the original value of the endpoint!

    1ms=44.1 samples when the sample rate is 44.1kHz.
    So an 8-bar loop is ~470,400 samples long.
    Pain in the butt.

    Cool - I only have this start/end sample editor prob in bm3 I will mention from now before anyone thinks Iam bashing bm3 iam not (not saying you dude) just some people can get bit touchy and jumpy on the forum bit like the start/end aftertouch - :-)
    @mathieugarcia can you look into this problem with the zero snap start/end aftertouch - cheers

  • edited October 2018

    I often encounter a similar issue when trying to precisely nudge the timing of midi notes in the pattern editor (especially when grid lock is turned off or I'm adding manual swing/syncopation).

    One suggestion I considered was to have a floating Temporary Touch Lock control that you could tap with a spare finger. Once engaged any further movement from your fingers would be ignored until after you release all fingers

    In the example of moving the start point in the sample editor it would work like this...

    • Finger on Right-hand grabs the marker and moves it into location
    • Finger on left hand engages the lock once you are happy with its position
    • Both fingers removed from screen without any further movement being recorded
    • Once all fingers removed the temporary lock disengages

    Here's a quick mockup:

  • edited October 2018

    @tk32 said:
    I often encounter a similar issue when trying to precisely nudge the timing of midi notes in the pattern editor (especially when grid lock is turned off or I'm adding manual swing/syncopation).

    One suggestion I considered was to have a floating Temporary Touch Lock control that you could tap with a spare finger. Once engaged any further movement from your fingers would be ignored until after you release all fingers

    In the example of moving the start point in the sample editor it would work like this...

    • Finger on Right-hand grabs the marker and moves it into location
    • Finger on left hand engages the lock once you are happy with its position
    • Both fingers removed from screen without any further movement being recorded
    • Once all fingers removed the temporary lock disengages

    Here's a quick mockup:

    Cool and good suggestions though I feel the sample window can be fixed via Intua - after all ths is the most important part of any sampler All my other sampling apps have no aftertoch issues at all - Bm3 is for me the best sampling app on iOS so a fix for this is crucial hopefully in 3.1 update @mathieugarcia

  • Yeah this jumpy start end point has been reported and will keep being reported, it does my head in for sure !!

  • edited October 2018

    .. And I always thought it was my fat fingers, lol

    In that case, perhaps we don't need a touch lock toggle after all

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