Can you remember what Au plugins are in these projects ?
A lot of people are having success by deleting the non working plugin from the Ipad, (most commonly lo fyl dirt) this allows the project to open and be recovered.
Delete lofly dirt from your iPad, then open the session. Remove the lovely FX entries, and you can leave lofly out, or you can try to re-add it and see it doesn't crash after that.
Can you remember what Au plugins are in these projects ?
A lot of people are having success by deleting the non working plugin from the Ipad, (most commonly lo fyl dirt) this allows the project to open and be recovered.
You are right, is there any way to get lo fly to work?
Delete lofly dirt from your iPad, then open the session. Remove the lovely FX entries, and you can leave lofly out, or you can try to re-add it and see it doesn't crash after that.
Fly Tape is also confirmed as buggy in 3.0.11
There is a fix coming very soon.
Yes, I can confirm this bug with fly tape
If you are quick enough you can delete the plugin before the session closes.
Perhaps we should start a list of plug-ins that are confirmed 'buggy', for the time being, and causing projects to not load in v. 3.0.11 ?
Happy to test any plugins that people suspect as being buggy (provided I have them)
I've just been doing some testing on the Discord chat for another user, and was able to prove that Synthmaster One seems to work fine.
If you want to list suspicious plugins I will do my best to test
cool, thanks tk32