Caustic is bitmap based and has the ability to be skinned, B3 is mostly vector based , so it is unlikely to be skinnable, but possibly theme colors in time, it is down to the developers.
@5pinlink said:
Caustic is bitmap based and has the ability to be skinned, B3 is mostly vector based , so it is unlikely to be skinnable, but possibly theme colors in time, it is down to the developers.
@Perion76 didn’t crack the app! It’s a overlay idea for beat posts on IG. He just made a few playing around to display what it would look like with customizable skin capabilities in BM3. The demos are just that, demos. Not a perfected skin. He has though, made custom skins for BM2 (Lumbajack) that were implemented in the app.
Caustic is bitmap based and has the ability to be skinned, B3 is mostly vector based , so it is unlikely to be skinnable, but possibly theme colors in time, it is down to the developers.
Ok cool
Hey guys,
It's definitely possible and would require some CSS tweaking !
Ok sounds promising Especially if Intua skins and not a 3rd party
If you're saying the UI is built using web technologies, Intua gets 100 internet points.
That would be excellent to customise colours, or even pay an IAP for cool reskins.
I too would pay IAP
Yes, someone cracked skin UI on IG.
I would pay an IAP to not ever have to look at anything that ugly again. ^
Holy shizzle, come back original bm3 skin, all is forgiven
That's not a skin, there is no skinning in B3, it is just comped in a video editor, it does beg the question, why ?
@Perion76 didn’t crack the app! It’s a overlay idea for beat posts on IG. He just made a few playing around to display what it would look like with customizable skin capabilities in BM3. The demos are just that, demos. Not a perfected skin. He has though, made custom skins for BM2 (Lumbajack) that were implemented in the app.
He has a passion for really strange backgrounds, thats for sure.
I was hoping for a ‘My little pony’ reskin. Hopefully that’s in the works ..
Too true hahahaha made me laugh - it looks more like cracked skin