What's new to 1.3.3?

edited April 2009 in General
Anyone know what's new with the lastest version?


  • edited 4:06AM
    Just general bug fixes. No new features yet <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->
    Intua: don't keep us in the dark much longer, let us know what's in store for the future of beatmaker!
  • edited 4:06AM
    That's what I thought,.....thanks for confirming. <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  • edited 4:06AM

    Yes, the 1.3.3 update has no "extra" in it, this update corrects various issues that
    have been reported.

    Stay tuned !

    Intua Team
  • zeezee
    edited 4:06AM
    From Intua, on version 1.3.3:
    "This updates fixes some issues reported by BeatMaker users.
    One of them affects the handling of sample pitch tuning between the pad view and the pitch editor in the step sequencer. Under certain (rare) circunstances, it is possible that some sequenced notes from an older song sound slightly altered."

    WHOA. Really? REALLY?

    There was only one bug in Beatmaker that was frustrating me... and that was the ability to tune your samples before pitch editing them (in short: it didn't quite work properly). Could it be that this is now fixed!???

    I need to try it out and see!!! I can't wait to check this out!!! And here I was thinking they took no notice at all of my posts/e-mail regarding the issue; it appears I may have been very wrong!

  • edited 4:06AM
    Yes zee, this is the bug you have been reporting, it did get noticed <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    Intua Team
  • zeezee
    edited 4:06AM
    ahaha, that's awesome. I totally thought I was being ignored, hahaha. Thanks for fixing that guys!
  • edited 4:06AM
    When are we getting mute groups intua? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Or gate control? Or any polyphony control for that matter!
  • edited 4:06AM
    When are we getting mute groups intua? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> Or gate control? Or any polyphony control for that matter!

    That's what I'm talking about!! LOL!
  • edited 4:06AM
    "This updates fixes some issues reported by BeatMaker users.
    One of them affects the handling of sample pitch tuning between the pad view and the pitch editor in the step sequencer. Under certain (rare) circunstances, it is possible that some sequenced notes from an older song sound slightly altered."

    It has not been fixed yet, as I'm still experiencing it <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: -->


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