Fitness Tracker App Mockup - Onboarding Feedback Needed

Hey everyone, I need some feedback on the onboarding process mockup for a new fitness tracker app. Does this flow seem intuitive for new users?


  • Hey there! Absolutely, sharing your mockup for the fitness tracker app's onboarding process is a great step forward. User feedback is crucial for refining the user experience. The flow appears intuitive, but getting diverse perspectives will ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all users. Consider conducting usability testing with a diverse group to gather insights and make necessary adjustments. With collaborative efforts and user-centered design, we can create an onboarding process that truly resonates with users and enhances their experience with the app. Keep up the fantastic work, and let's fine-tune this together!

  • Hey there! Sharing your mockup for the fitness tracker app's onboarding process is a fantastic move. User feedback is key to refining the experience, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. Consider usability testing with a diverse group for valuable insights. With collaborative efforts, we'll create an onboarding process that truly resonates with users. Let's fine-tune this together!

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