Help 4 a rookie? Dub voice/delete track

edited November 2011 in Support
I'm trying to put together some songs for an educational website, and am new to this type of app. How do I dub my voice over a created track? Thus far I've been able to figure out how to record a sample with vocals, but would like to record my voice as I listen to the track. Might be I misinterpreted the program capabilities.

Also, as I'm layering beats/keys for a song, If I want to change or get rid of unused tracks, they won't delete when I tap on them? I can get rid of the sounds, but not change the preset I'm trying to use for track #9, or whatever number I'm trying to change. Suggestions?



  • edited 9:44AM
    Only way as of now is... while the song is playing hit the sample lab button - record sample - save sample - then load sample to a pad.

    To delate a track press the track on the left - up comes track settings - press delete

    Read the manual it really helps.
  • edited 9:44AM
    appreciated thesavage

    I had figured as much, and tried it, but when I tap on the track to the left, it shows the settings, and I can see the delete button, but it's grey. It won't let me delete?

    The manual does help to some extent. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

  • edited 9:44AM
    A instrument must have at least one track, so you can't delete that one track. If one instrument has say 4 tracks you can delete 3 of them but one must remain.

    You CAN delete the instrument all together.

    Make sense?
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