Hits not registering

edited December 2011 in Support
When I record and tap a pad, or multiple pads somewhat quickly what actually recorded is much slower and or did not register some of the hits? is there any way this can be fixed?


  • edited 9:51AM
    I know it's obvious if you know to do it, but have you changed the quantization setting under the record options? The default setting of 1/16th is much to low for fast finger drumming.

    Next would be your resource management. If you have a track with a lot of instruments, samples and FX you might be hitting the limits of your device. If that is the case you'll need to bounce loops to the drum machine. (which will trade CPU for ram).

    Another thing to check is that you have all other apps closed except the ones you need. Keeping in mind that Apps that use VirtualMidi to connect to BM2 may eat up to many resources to be used in realtime.

    Btw what HW are you using. There are some major differences in the various models of iOS devices and their ability to recognize touch. Depending on your device you could be butting up against the limitations of the screen's ability to register touches or could be locking up the CPU (not to mention OS bottlenecks).

    Really there are a lot of variables that could be the problem and it may not be a BM2 issue at all..

    As a work around perhaps one of these might help, they are tricks we used to use in the HW sequencer days (MPC60)

    Turn off quantization on record and then manually correct timing issues.

    Program the pattern in at half or 75% the running BPM. This used to help with issues like midi flooding (from fast players) which could cause dropped or hanging notes.

    Double the BPM of the song and play everything in at normal speed. This should help if quantize resolution is to low but at 1/96 you should be more then fine. Still you never know it's worth trying.
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