midi latency

edited September 2012 in Support
hi again

i'm using BM2 with his keyboard sampler as a remote "classic rack sampler" triggered by an mpc
(with line6 midi mobilizer II)

i notice i have some delay problem, i think are pretty normal, is always a software running inside a small computer, so even if i set the midi latency to 0 on Global Midi Setup i still have from 20 to 30ms of delay...

btw i use BM2 as a long samples player, so i don't have to loop or similar... so at the end of this long intro my question is:

is it possible to cut ms from single samples or hole keyboard sampler? i usually leave some blank in front of my sampler and i trigger them before the "start point" so a trick is to cut 25ms from any sample start, just curious if u have a function like this

ps i know i can slight move trigger note from mpc to have them in sync, just a curiosuty

apologies for the long post


  • edited 8:43AM
    found! thanks anyway
  • edited 8:43AM
    How did you solve it?

    I'm also interested in finding out how to sync beatmaker to my MPC using beat clock, last time i tried that it didnt work very well- Tons of jitter etc.

    Intua can you give us some guidance if this is meant to work. Tight timing is everything...
  • edited 8:43AM
    i think using a midi clock is pretty impossible to have it tight, is more an iphone problem i think or a problem of iphone to midi converter
    btw if u use an mpc is better u trig samples from mpc... to have in perfect sync just shift back midi note so u send the midi trigger just "that little bit" before....

    in case u have a sample starting at so just cut some ms from the beginning of the sample... is live nobody will notice
    good luck
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