Audio tracks.....

edited October 2012 in Support
After a long time of thinking about departing from £14 for beatmaker, I finally did even though I already use nanostudio for sequencing.

But I was pulled in by the few perks including audio tracks.

Now what I though this would mean is I can paste audio onto my audio tracks, but to my disappointment I can only record in audio and use that. I'm sure lots of people have a use for this but frankly when I think of an audio track, it's mostly filled up with audio taken from other sources rather then something I have recorded myself.
Did they not think that most people will want to record vocals or synths using other apps and then import the recordings onto audio tracks?

Am I missing something? Because I'm quite annoyed by spending so much money on audio tracks that don't fully function as you'd expect an audio track to function in such a programme.

Otherwise I am enjoying the beat slicer and virtual midi capabilities.


  • edited 9:23PM
    Hold the critique until BM2 impliments audiobus. It's happening, no doubt about it.
    For users like myself, the audio track update has been essential to record live this or that along with the excellent sequencing available in BM2.
    If you were simply importing audio from other apps, there is well documented workarounds for almost every app..
    My only problem with audio tracks is that we are not able to record stereo tracks to the sequencer.
    Hang in there.. It's about to get much better very soon!
  • edited 9:23PM
    I am excited about audiobus as it may fix alot of issues that intua are having with this app...

    Hopefully, moog will integrate audio bus into their will wavemachinelabs...

    Something i hope also comes from all this audio mess, is RESAMPLING, its on just about every sampler on the planet standard...except it possible...well of course it is samplewiz has it. Just like the i/o limitation of the ios...misinformation. When intua stated the max was 8 ins and outs simultaneous i had just got thru doing eighteen...on auria...

    I have also finally updated to ios6 on the far havent had an issue but havent used the ftp was terrible anyways losing 5-10% of the tranferred material, causing me to have to go thru each and every folder at the time of loss and search for what didnt go...this doesnt happen everytime...but i would say about every 3rd or 4th time
  • edited 9:23PM
    That is using cyberduck btw...
    I tried filezilla and it seemed more lossy
  • edited 9:23PM
    You can import samples within an audio track already.
    Press the "+" button in the sequencer audio track handle, then import sample.

  • edited 9:23PM
    O yeah! Thanks, I thought that was a bit weird.
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