So there is no way to delete original samples?

edited December 2012 in Support
I've searched forum and couldn't find direct answers. But it seems like there is no way to delete original samples? So I think maybe Intua should provide a smaller version.

Is there anybody really using original drum samples? I don't mean they are not good. But I think anyone who bought Beatmaker 2 should not be a layman (it is not a cheap toy), who must have some favorite samples. I seldom use them. So it is no good to keep them (they are hugh for a 16GB iPad).


  • edited 10:45AM
    If I recall correctly, someone here was able to do it with a jail broken iPad.
    You're right- maybe they should be optional. I don't use them either.
  • edited 10:45AM
    Ah, that reminds me, I used to do that with Garageband. But I hate jailbreak. It makes my iPad, like 'unclean'.
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