BUG: keys mode paging G8 and C-2 stuck key change weird black dots. (USER CONFIRMED)

edited February 2018 in Bug reports
16 or 64 pads mode
 Choose your pad key or keep default.  Page up all the way.  An additional page for G8 by itself causes you to get stuck in key of G.  Can’t get out of G unless you page down all the way. Paging all the way down Gets you stuck in C. If you set your pad note to another note other than G or C. Paging all the way up or down overrides your pad note. This additional G8 page also creates some weird black dots when you switch 16/64 pads mode that all play G8. Semitones mode behaves normally when paging, black dots still there playing G8

 **EDIT** Forgive me but I just returned from a trip, its 3a.m. After I made this video, I realize how tired I sound. Not intentional. Guess BM3 keeps me awake at crazy hours. It’s that awesome!


  • edited December 2017

    Didn’t watch all the way through, but press the word octave above the up and down arrows, it will change to semitone and you can adjust to whatever key you like.
    That should workaround till they see the bug ;)

  • @5pinlink said:
    Didn’t watch all the way through, but press the word octave above the up and down arrows, it will change to semitone and you can adjust to whatever key you like.
    That should workaround till they see the bug ;)

    Yeah that's in the vid. I was so tired. Found myself not explaining anything clearly and repeating myself. Sorry it's so long.

  • edited February 2018

    Can anyone give a confirmation to this. Only in octave mode it does this, scroll all the way up or down and your key change will get stuck in the fifths (C,G) and then your stuck in either key of G or key of C

  • Confirmed. I wonder if the black dots are intentional, to show that those pads are gonna just play G8 as the max note, but they should either always be there or never be there, not appear when switching between 16 and 64 pads.

  • edited February 2018

    @ronji said:
    Confirmed. I wonder if the black dots are intentional, to show that those pads are gonna just play G8 as the max note, but they should either always be there or never be there, not appear when switching between 16 and 64 pads.

    True. I didnt know what it meant because all clear pads when not switching views still produces the same results. So yes it shouldnt be there if possible. The real issue is more so the key change. It's like there is a secret hidden page for both the lower half and higher half. If you Maximum page up goes to G and changes your pads key. Maximum down changes your key to C. This is a problem in the context of switching pages quickly via some external controller (or even when setting the pads octave section you want to work with). The only workaround is semi tone mode. But this semitone mode is not good with custom instruments. Thanks for confirming.

    @mathieugarcia can we maybe please get an explanation of what's happening here? I'm perceiving this as a bug, but if intentional...why? :)

  • The paging all the way up or down changing the root key has gotta be a bug, and definitely should be fixed! Can’t think of one good reason for it haha. There should be a pad max and min range based on the root key. If in C, the pads shouldn’t scroll any higher than C8, and perhaps scrolling down to the bottom should also have some blank pads that behave in the same was as the top (when fixed, not as is with this bug haha)

  • Also, try this with a scale turned on, instead of blank pads or dots you get G8 all the way up, but the original problem still occurs.

  • edited February 2018

    @ronji yes it does that too. the problem isn’t with scales viewing the g8s. That just means you’ve reached the end of the 10 octave keybed (11 really). It’s keys mode. But if this is happening in the background outside of keys mode. Then it would be worse. Midi would capture incorrectly. I haven’t tested this yet. Speaking of scales, Since I’ve been working in keys mode a lot... im finding new latches. And discovered another bug. Choking is happening in polyphony. Causing missed touches with the select bounding boxes.

  • @mefisme I was talking about scales in keys mode, instead of blank pads or dots you just see more G8, which is just a third way of showing that all pads beyond G8 are still G8, but the original problem of the root key changing at top and bottom still happens with scales in keys mode.

  • @ronji said:
    @mefisme I was talking about scales in keys mode, instead of blank pads or dots you just see more G8, which is just a third way of showing that all pads beyond G8 are still G8, but the original problem of the root key changing at top and bottom still happens with scales in keys mode.

    Oh so we've confirmed There's 3 different views outside playable region? G8s in scale, 3 dots in 16/64 change, and blanks if no change? I'm beginning to wonder about this. Keys view is essentially the 10 octave keybed in mappings. There's something wrong with the boundaries in relation to the key changes. Notice how G8 before you glitch it moves upward downward based on key when you change between semitone/octave modes. I wonder if this bug is missing the code required to differentiate where C-2-G8 is located. The additional boundaries might have to exist. Surely not though. This to me is a design flaw/limitation or a straight up cockroach.

  • edited February 2018

    @ronji and in mappings I can actually get a bad scroll bug to happen that requires restart of BM3. Probably a whole separate bug, but kinda felt related.

  • Here’s something else since we are talking about keys scales and chords in general. BM2 had an option to see the notes on the keybed. And even see the zones. This is BM3’s keybed with a scales/chords option. Why? There’s no visual information being relayed to the user so why is it here. Unimplemented?

  • @mefisme said:
    @ronji and in mappings I can actually get a bad scroll bug to happen that requires restart of BM3. Probably a whole separate bug, but kinda felt related.

    Is it when trying to grab the far right edge of the visual mapping area? Turns into one finger zoom? I had that happen once and now I only drag in the toolbar area when adjusting sample mapping. Either way it’s probably a separate bug.

  • @ronji said:

    @mefisme said:
    @ronji and in mappings I can actually get a bad scroll bug to happen that requires restart of BM3. Probably a whole separate bug, but kinda felt related.

    Is it when trying to grab the far right edge of the visual mapping area? Turns into one finger zoom? I had that happen once and now I only drag in the toolbar area when adjusting sample mapping. Either way it’s probably a separate bug.

    Not one finger Zoom although I've had that happen to. This is where you can't scroll through the mapping screen at all as soon as you do it bounces back to a different section.

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