File Sharing in Ipod Software Version 4 - HUGE potential

edited July 2010 in General
I love beatmaker.

The one drawback for me is having to mess around with Wifi to transfer data files.

Currently I have some WAV tracks in Beatmaker that I want to take to my DAW in my laptop, but I can't because beatmaker keeps timing out on me. It is a real pain in the A.

So, the new Version 4 software in itunes, under APPS, has a new 'File Sharing' menu, and apps that allow sharing between the ipod and computer show up there. Drumtrack8 shows up for me right now. It lists all the drumtrack8 projects I have created, and lets me (INCREDIBLY EASILY) save them into folders anywhere in my computer. Man it is great. No Wifi needed. No glitches. Smooth as silk.

So, if INTUA could make this available for beatmaker (so we could just drag and drop our WAV files etc into the laptop etc), it would be amazing. It would clear up the one issue I have had with the product (and with the whole ipod to computer data transferrring issue in general).

Big shout outs for the great product, and big call out for this feature to go in as a new beatmaker update.




  • edited 10:29AM
    I've just picked up beatmaker 1 to test it out for a project I'm off to in cambodia and I don't know how good the wifi setup will be so something like this would be HUGELY useful... any chance of it in BM2? Not everywhere is wifi'd unfortunately...
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