beatmaker competitors

edited July 2008 in General
is there any other company making something similar to beatmaker?
maybe ableton?


  • edited 12:57AM
    Yes, Openlabs has a program...I havent seen it onthe Itunes Apps... but have seen it on there website... I have a feeling it only works with their Neko and Miko Keyboard workstations..
  • edited 12:57AM
    Openlabs did a Beatmaker tutorial on youtube, but they don't have any iTunes apps.
  • edited 12:57AM
    I think he's asking about iPhone APPS and also desktop software that operates similarly to BeatMaker. Good question I know of nothing like it.
  • edited 12:57AM
    yes, if korg ports that music app to the iphone and ableton announces another i am sure intua will start adding all those features we have been asking for FAST!
    <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • edited 12:57AM
    If Korg ports to the iPhone that will be nice but I think that that will take a long time and it will not be as useful to me as a sampler app which is a lot more unlimited in terms of sound.

    The Gameboy project appears to be a side project of two of Korg's programers.

    It would be nice for Korg to make a Kaoss style music maker for the iphone.
    yes, if korg ports that music app to the iphone and ableton announces another i am sure intua will start adding all those features we have been asking for FAST!
    <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Jason7 with the 2 updates on Beatmaker already their development team is working hard. They are also independent people who have developed this tool independently. I find it just as creative as Live, Reason or the Korg Kaoss am digging it.

    Is there some reason that you feel like giving bad vibes to the Intua people that have given musicians a fantastic music tool for the iphone. As opposed to an app that makes the sound of a cowbell when you shake it. A smaller company like Intua is more likely to be reading this board than a larger one and of course can be more responsive to it's user community. As well as being primarily a iphone app developer their resorces are being chaneled to bring you the best software possible. As well they seem to have a vision of what they want the Beatmaker product to work as a music makeing device and a well thought through one.

    On NPR today at 2pm on wnyc am on the music show there is going to be a discussion of music on the iphone I bet Beatmaker gets some mentions.
  • edited 12:57AM
    sorry i didnt mean to send bad vibes or anything. i just want beatmaker to get better and better. competition is good because people try harder then but i didnt mean that they are not working hard already.
    i love beatmaker but want to have the keyboard, a synth, a mixer asap! <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • edited 12:57AM
    sorry i didnt mean to send bad vibes or anything. i just want beatmaker to get better and better. competition is good because people try harder then but i didnt mean that they are not working hard already.
    i love beatmaker but want to have the keyboard, a synth, a mixer asap! <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: -->

    I feel ya, but I get the feeling that intua is driven by having a really cool product and not necessarily trying all hard to compete with other companies. I get the feeling that as this program develops, other companies are going to be the ones having to compete! And we would all like the program to be able to do everything, but stability and usefulness with what is already there far surpasses the need for features where I'm concerned. As lsd25 said, a sample app is more unlimited in terms of sound and I couldn't agree more. I would take any kind of sampler on the iphone over a synth ANY day. You can always sample synths too, and usually get a better tone than you would from an emulation.

    Now if the ability was there to loop and tune single cycle waveforms to create oscillators, that would be really cool as it would use the engine that is already there to create synths. You used to be able to do that with most trackers, and those programs ran fine on SLOW computers. Check out some tracker programs and mod files to see what people are capable of with a very simple sampler/sequencer.
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