Estimated Time For iPad App?



  • edited 3:00PM

    We found out 2 days ago an issue with how BM2 was handling note offs which could cause some ghost notes/wrong behavior happening. It should be fixed now, we're doing a couple more tests and hopefully we should be able to send it to Apple today!


    PS: Had to delete a few off-topic posts from this thread

    Awesome news!!!

    My iO Dock has been awaiting this app. I hope the functionality will wok just as well as FL Studio Mobile. Can you tell us if there has been any issues with this working with the iO Dock?
  • edited 3:00PM
    The news i had been expecting!!! If you guys submit today, could you please post the new feature list as promised? I'd really like to prepare a couple of ideas for when it is released from the appstore and some info would help a lot.

    Great news today!!!
  • edited 3:00PM
    Good news!!
    Waiting for official announcement to see the changelog!
    Thanx intua
  • edited 3:00PM
    excellent! i just got my mpk all set and ready for major works. i apologize for the previous rude comments to another member. but lets celebrate the new and improve Intua. cheers....
  • Hey Colin/Intua,

    Did you'll submit it?
  • edited 3:00PM

    Good news everyone, BM2.1 has been submitted !
  • edited 3:00PM

    Good news everyone, BM2.1 has been submitted !

    In a week or less, it will be ours <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

  • Feature list please?
  • edited 3:00PM
    Great... Could you please send us the feature list?
  • edited 3:00PM
    christmas in august and i'm super excited. Thank you Intua
  • edited 3:00PM
    I'm going a bit ahead the more official announcement, but, as promised, here's the feature list:

    - Native iPad interface
    - Support for MIDI controllers through CoreMIDI, with MIDI learning and templates
    - Instruments parameters automations (LFOs, envelopes, pads settings, etc.)
    - Improved automation editor
    - MIDI export improved with Control Change (MIDI CC) messages
    - New Master track with volume, pan, and 3 FX slots
    - Audio input monitoring while recording
    - New "Note Repeat" mode
    - Pad copy & paste on the drum machine
    - Improved memory management
    - Info window for monitoring CPU, memory usage, battery and controlling the audio device
    - SoundCloud API now uses OAuth2
    - Reduce application binary size
    - Add support for bluetooth speakers and headphones (A2DP compliant)
    - Many improvements in every aspect of the application

    Stay tuned !
    The Intua Team
  • edited 3:00PM
    YES! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 3:00PM
    Nice. Thank you!
  • edited 3:00PM
    I'm going a bit ahead the more official announcement, but, as promised, here's the feature list:

    - Native iPad interface
    - Support for MIDI controllers through CoreMIDI, with MIDI learning and templates
    - Instruments parameters automations (LFOs, envelopes, pads settings, etc.)
    - Improved automation editor
    - MIDI export improved with Control Change (MIDI CC) messages
    - New Master track with volume, pan, and 3 FX slots
    - Audio input monitoring while recording
    - New "Note Repeat" mode
    - Pad copy & paste on the drum machine
    - Improved memory management
    - Info window for monitoring CPU, memory usage, battery and controlling the audio device
    - SoundCloud API now uses OAuth2
    - Reduce application binary size
    - Add support for bluetooth speakers and headphones (A2DP compliant)
    - Many improvements in every aspect of the application

    Stay tuned !
    The Intua Team


    Can we have some screenshots??
  • Awesome. Quick question though. Have you ever thought about teaming up with a company, or possibly doing it yourselves and adding a SYNTH? You can even have an in-app purchase for it. I would pay upto 19.99 (hopefully, $10 or less <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->) all over again to have a synth like "Sunrizer," or "Addictive Synth," in BM2 itself. BM2 would be the BE ALL END ALL.

    No need for Sonoma, no need for anything else (maybe a simple tenori-on like interface for beeps and ish). But really, a mindblowing Synth, and Viola - the King (well your kind of a twin prince with Nano now. Both are good).

    Just suggesting. AND YES I APPRECIATE ALL THE HARD WORK WITH THE UPDATE. If you had an in app purchase for it, I would pay. You have loyal fans Intua, and we want to see you win the cold war with Nano!
  • edited 3:00PM
    I would be happier if you could just make your synth accept sounfont (.sf2) or even better .exs (logic's and garageband's exs24) files.... that would blow out everything... I know additive and substractive synths rock... but using real multilayered - multinote sample - industry standard - libraries would be just as good... and your app would be the king.... the only synth in the app store that takes sf2 files is bs-16i but it lacks in many respects... still a toy in many ways...

    I also have one question... what ever happened to dropbox? did you guys get to integrate it? if not... i think it's a really important addition... the API isn't hard.

  • edited 3:00PM
    Lmao! everybody is now relieved. But that is an awesome list. Cant wait to see the interface. I hope its still kept in the same format as far as not having to learn the program over again. but I love the whole new midi and memory management concept. Intua we are grateful for your hard work and wish you more luck in getting more followers. I'm sure this app will become a hard competition.
  • edited 3:00PM
    Thank Goodness,a Master Track!!! That was so annoying! I hope they throw in a few new sounds!...Will getting the update erase all the settings/saved presets? I have ALOT of work and custom presets, hopefully they can be backed up before...Hope this joint hits before Sat, i will have a fun weekend!
  • edited 3:00PM
    F yeah! good news today, even better day when i have the updated rockn!

    Beatmaker, best music app hands down. soon it will be the only app i use.
  • edited 3:00PM
    will the manual be updated on release?
  • edited 3:00PM
    i've been a long time follower of this thread and like you guys have been waiting patiently for this update..

    i'm kinda dissapointed though. from the feature list, does it mean no audio recording? (as a proper track rather than the old method of "sampling" and triggering the sample via a drum pad) and also, no dropbox sync?
  • edited 3:00PM
    i've been a long time follower of this thread and like you guys have been waiting patiently for this update..

    i'm kinda dissapointed though. from the feature list, does it mean no audio recording? (as a proper track rather than the old method of "sampling" and triggering the sample via a drum pad) and also, no dropbox sync?

    Both of those would be very nice, especially the real audio track.... and as a Dropbox user that would be nice as well.... BUT.... as far as Dropbox support, remember we are just a few months away from "iCloud" and the integration of iOS apps with that.

    It would be great to have a real audio track, some kind of synth (SF2, whatever) ... but you can't get everything at once <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    BTW... @ Intua - I am in complete agreement with another poster who said they would be willing to purchase synths via in app purchase. I think it would be very cool to develop different synths (Analog, Additive....etc) and then sell them in App. Great for users that wanted them, and a good business model as well.....
  • edited 3:00PM
    i've been a long time follower of this thread and like you guys have been waiting patiently for this update..

    i'm kinda dissapointed though. from the feature list, does it mean no audio recording? (as a proper track rather than the old method of "sampling" and triggering the sample via a drum pad) and also, no dropbox sync?

    Both of those would be very nice, especially the real audio track.... and as a Dropbox user that would be nice as well.... BUT.... as far as Dropbox support, remember we are just a few months away from "iCloud" and the integration of iOS apps with that.

    It would be great to have a real audio track, some kind of synth (SF2, whatever) ... but you can't get everything at once <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    BTW... @ Intua - I am in complete agreement with another poster who said they would be willing to purchase synths via in app purchase. I think it would be very cool to develop different synths (Analog, Additive....etc) and then sell them in App. Great for users that wanted them, and a good business model as well.....

    i do understand the iCloud integration thing (i guess I'm not the waiting kinda person). i was mostly expecting the audio recording though because it was promised by intua and it was always one of the key points or me. ohwell.
  • Intua,

    I have to agree with "bremencole." I think he has some very good profit producing ideas. If we can have both of those features - real audio track, and some type of synth or synths, I think it would complete the application. And you can add to your revenue by having them as in app purchases. Motivation for both the customer, who wants things yesterday <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->, and the company for making money. ALSO, I think this helps with those getting JAIL BREAKING APPS. I don't believe you get the in-app purchases with jail break apps. <- my assumption

    For those who complain about price, you are basically getting a complete studio production tool, for $20, and no more than $40 I assume with in-app purchases. For a complete studio like software, which is also mobile, and universal, its a steal. Please dont complain about price.

    Sounds tough, but, if you can't afford it, maybe you shouldn't buy it, or maybe its not that important to you. We dont ask you to do work for us, for free or without being properly compensated right!?!?!?

  • edited 3:00PM

    I have to agree with "bremencole." I think he has some very good profit producing ideas. If we can have both of those features - real audio track, and some type of synth or synths, I think it would complete the application. And you can add to your revenue by having them as in app purchases. Motivation for both the customer, who wants things yesterday <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->, and the company for making money. ALSO, I think this helps with those getting JAIL BREAKING APPS. I don't believe you get the in-app purchases with jail break apps. <- my assumption

    For those who complain about price, you are basically getting a complete studio production tool, for $20, and no more than $40 I assume with in-app purchases. For a complete studio like software, which is also mobile, and universal, its a steal. Please dont complain about price.

    Sounds tough, but, if you can't afford it, maybe you shouldn't buy it, or maybe its not that important to you. We dont ask you to do work for us, for free or without being properly compensated right!?!?!?


    I cosign your every word. I think if Intua does add synths or real tracks (it would be heaven to have a 12 track recorder or so), they should defo add them as in-app purchases. I'd buy a 12 track recorder for $9.99. That would elliminate me needing the multitrack DAW app, even if I did pay $25 in all to have it's 24 track recording). I'd buy them from Beatmaker to have everything in one place. ^_^ Plus, I personally feel they deserve more income for anything like an add-on, 1, because Beatmaker 2 is already such an amazing app at a great price, and 2, for them also putting up with such a demanding user community while they try to make sure we are recieving a great app, which in the end makes a great experience.
  • edited 3:00PM
    I agree with najural, we are a very demanding and at times ungrateful group. We complain about little things while forgetting the big picture of the amazing power which Beatmaker has given us at an incredibly low price! You just don't find that in this day and age. Beat Thang just became available via an exclusive agreement with Best Buy. It costs $1,499! It MAY be technically superior to Beatmaker on paper, but when you compare the functionality, ease of use and also listen to the completed tracks from the two products, Beatmaker wins!

    Intua has done an amazing job. While they may not answer all of our questions and demands as soon as we submit them, proper coding takes time and it is obvious they have been busy putting in the work to produce an exceptional product. Whatever they add from here on out is just icing on the cake.

  • edited 3:00PM
    I would be happier if you could just make your synth accept sounfont (.sf2) or even better .exs (logic's and garageband's exs24) files.... that would blow out everything... I know additive and substractive synths rock... but using real multilayered - multinote sample - industry standard - libraries would be just as good... and your app would be the king.... the only synth in the app store that takes sf2 files is bs-16i but it lacks in many respects... still a toy in many ways...

    I also have one question... what ever happened to dropbox? did you guys get to integrate it? if not... i think it's a really important addition... the API isn't hard.

    We're still considering SF2 support for a future update.
    As for DropBox, support has already been developed into BM2 but we decided to postpone it's availability to the next update, as we found out a couple of technical issues before releasing BM 2.1. It is forthcoming!

  • Colin,

    Have you thought about any in-app purchases? Especially for a new instrument, like a synth? Could speed up development due to the incentive of potential revenue, wouldn't you think?

  • edited 3:00PM
    I'd say, don't scrape the idea of the sf2 synth... It would revolutionize the synth in your app... I'm sure of it. I'm glad to hear that dropbox integration is underway... It will prove valuable... This devices have so little storage compared to a full blown computer.

    You should also research other sampler formats... Exs is a really full sampler format... One of the best in my opinion... Right up there with kontakt.

    I also have to agree with some users here... Audio tracks would also prove incredibly valuable... It would bridge the gap between and mpc and a full blown DAW.

    I've been reading a lot of people beg to pay more for this and that, imagining that would speed up development... It's difficult to explain that in production pipelines throwing more money...or incentives, or whatever, won't speed up the process... But, I guess you can notice that a market niche is opening up for you... You should consider upgrading your system for in-app purchases... Just, don't base all your business model on this... That's one of the things I've trully loved about your app (and hate about others).

    Can't wait to play 'round once the new version comes out.

  • edited 3:00PM
    What's the difference between Dropbox and Itunes Files sharing. I use iexlporer now and not sure what the benefit would be to have either?
This discussion has been closed.