
edited February 2011 in Support
Yes I have reset device (iPad)
I had up
hip hop drum kit 1+ compressor
Strings keyboard+ insert reverb
Bass keyboard+ insert filter
3 trax only with these effects when I inserted the filter it killed the whole session no save, back to home screen

My memory was cleared before hand by a device restart so that isn't the problem.

It seems the effects can still cause crashing so save alot!

I honestly think the reverb is causing it.



  • edited 12:03AM
    I find that the FX make it crash (back to the home scxreen) quite alot too.
  • edited 12:03AM
    Yes I have reset device (iPad)
    I had up
    hip hop drum kit 1+ compressor
    Strings keyboard+ insert reverb
    Bass keyboard+ insert filter
    3 trax only with these effects when I inserted the filter it killed the whole session no save, back to home screen

    My memory was cleared before hand by a device restart so that isn't the problem.

    It seems the effects can still cause crashing so save alot!

    I honestly think the reverb is causing it.


    I can't get the reverb to crash it.. I did have compressor crash me a few weeks ago, but it never did it again...

    They are aware of the situation though..
  • edited 12:03AM
    I had the compressor up too, maybe it is to blame.
    So far without a manual i have been able do amazing things!!
  • edited 12:03AM
    FX definitely are the root for my crashes, I just save before applying any now. I also save before adding new tracks and instruments. A lil frustrating, but I guess it teaches me to save more often....
  • edited 12:03AM
    Yes autosave really don't seem to be there as much on this app...unless you have to save first and then it kicks in, I lost 1 sequence already to this crash thing. It wasn't a great sequence tho so no harm lol
  • edited 12:03AM
    Same here. When I try to use the X/Y pad on the Filter, crash crash crash.
  • edited 12:03AM
    It honestly Depends.
    I have a Ipod 3Gen 64 Gig, and when i was making drum presets and saving, if your moving to fast on the app it crashes. I don't know if there's another faster way to make Bm2 preset, but i was up all night making presets lol. The point is it crashed like 4 times threw out when i was trying to rush it, It could be possibly cause of the Little Ram in the Ipod? Cause i doubt this would be a problem on the Ipad which is what I'm aiming for in the future.
  • edited 12:03AM
    crashes on me losing everything. also like I made a thread about today, the vibrate and ringer go dead on me once I open the app. just goes into silent
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