BM3 and Korg apps (iMS20, iPolysix, iElectribe)
This might be user error, but I can't get any of the Kong apps to work in BM3 via IAA. Is there a trick to this or are they simply not supported? The iMS20 and iPolysix are loading but I can't get any audio. Even when I play directly from the app interface, there is no audio. As far as iElectribe, it does not even load. Any help would be appreciated.
Start the apps before connecting them to BM3. That solves most of the issues with IAA apps.
thanks for the reply. I actually tried that earlier, but has soon as I load the apps in BM3, audio disappears. I can't get any sound either playing from the app directly or from BM3. On their own, the apps work fine.
Those 3 apps are among those I extensively used for sampling during the beta without any issues?!
I'm on iPad Air 2, iOS10.3.2.
Weird.....what are your settings in the Kong apps? I have background audio ON. Anything else I might be missing? Those apps work just fine on their own and in GarageBand, but as soon as I try to launch BM3, the audio is gone.
BTW, I am on the latest iPad (not Pro) with 10.3.2
Don't have the others but iMS20 gets muted as soon as IAA connected to BM3 if I start iMS20 first or select it first from within BM3. iMS20 works flawlessly with BM2. I checked the other KORG apps I own ODYSSEi, Gadget and iDS-10 they work correctly. 2017 9.7" iPad iOS 10.3
BM3's IAA implementation can be quite shaky at times and IAA's in general can be a bit 'quirky'.
Hopefully Korg will step up their game and add AUv3 support at some point.
It is however also possible to load the apps in AudioBus and add BM3 in the AB output slot and then use the AB Plug-In in BM3 on one of the pads to get the sound thru. (So if one method doesn't work there's always a work-around even if it's not optimal at all times).
Generally I prefer to use the export features when possible for 'sound transfer' between apps instead of 'recording'.
But since it's working 'smoother' with other hosts the core problem is in BM3's IAA implementation.
Korg apps are quite widely used so I guess @mathieugarcia can at some point time permitting take a look at this issue too
iElectribe IAA is working fine here for sampling and stuff. ( iPad Air 2 IOS 10.3.2)
Yeah.... I was able to get iElectribe IAA to work as well. Not sure why it wasn't loading earlier. But still no go for iMS20 and iPolysix, they get muted as soon as BM3 is running
Are you selecting Gadget in the midi output option using the 3 vertical line dots to the right of the bank letter for IAA?
not using Gadget, just iM20, iPolysix and iElectribe
Got iELECTRIBE iPhone version to work agree with ipoly6 and iM20 no joy after selection correct midi settings no sound.
I have a similar issue trying to use Korg Module, Gadget and iPolysix. Apps will produce sound, but cannot be played from beatmakers Keyboard, nor are the sounds recorded in the sampler.
IAA is worst...
If an IAA Plug-In is an IAA-Generator midi needs to be fed to it manually (midi settings for the pad hosting the IAA).
Unfortunately BM3 doesn't indicate which IAA's are Instruments or Generators (AUM does this).
Tried that out: adjusting parameters in Beatmaker and Gadget, so no confusion could arise (to my knowledge, but I am by no means a midi wizzard). Still, nothing good happened. Other apps work perfectly well in this mode (e.g. Animoog)
Did you see this video?
Yes I did, thanks, it's what got me motivated in the first place
Ok, I'll just keep on trying then, thanks
Not using Audiobus for now...
I had abandoned iPad music few years ago because I was not happy with the workflow . After all the hype surrounding the BM3 release, I decided to give it another go. But it's still clunky as hell. Hope the guys fix all these issues, but then it only takes an OS update to fuc* things up again. We are still years away from a trouble free music making experience on iOS, I am afraid... it's a shame because there are some great apps, but as soon as you try to make them work together, trouble begins.....back to my computer I go.... good luck fellas!
Whether it’s BM3, or iOS music apps in general, I see what works and what doesn’t. I use the former and exclude the latter. There’s stuff in iOS and BM3 that works. Mobile music-making is made possible and for a remarkable low cost. As BM3 gets updated, even more becomes possible.
Expectations just need to be aligned with the reality that iOS is mostly designed for zillions of iPhone users, and the money users want to spend on an app is relatively small.
Read it again, think I understand it now... thanks.
@samu @philowerx @triton100
, nobody's fault but mine...
Got IAA working for the all Korg apps. As was probably to be expected (in my case anyway) the midi settings where not correct
Thanks for your help!
I don't have iMS-20 and I currently only have iMashine version 1 installed, but I can find it in the list (at the end of the list, where all the app's starting with a lowercase reside) and load it. I can't get it to make sound, but since my midi skills haven't improved overnight, well...
Is it possible that it's even lowerin the list? I noticed some app's are grouped by company while other apps from the same company are listed somwhere else (e.g. Gadget and Module)...