Visual Reference For Keyboard Position
In BM2 you could always tell which octave you were in with the in app keyboard. Can we bring something like this into BM3 please?
In BM2 you could always tell which octave you were in with the in app keyboard. Can we bring something like this into BM3 please?
Not much room left in this screen but we could have a little representation of the whole 128 keys.
Why ?
There is octave buttons with the word octave in the middle, just add the number next to the word.
Octave 1/Octave 2 etc.
Siple and uses no room @mathieugarcia
But the midi mute was important fundamental stuff to others, just not you, we have no idea how many email requests Intua get, i suspect it is a lot.
Trust me, @mathieugarcia told me what was coming next to see what i think the other day, it was not even on my list never mind top ten of basics, but it is one of the most requested features
Community driven feature requests have both pros and cons... just like democracy!
Personally, I would rather see BM3 simply becomes what the developers envisioned it to be from the outset... then I can choose if it suits my workflows, and if I can live with its various idiosyncrasies - many of which I happen to love, btw.
Lets leave brexit and politics out of this, there was a vote and brexit won, get over it, this is a forum for Beatmaker, seriously ?
Political correctness and social justice warriors is nothing to do with discussing politics and trying to start diametric flame wars, but do what you want.
See you in a week or so, like last time then
@Heyez. Whether you realised or not, you made a negative reference to a deeply divisive political decision. Unfortunately that's like a red rag to a bull in forums.. and can encourage all kinds of off-topic aggression and rants... None of which has anything to do with BM3.
I think @5pinlink is absolutely right to try keeping things apolitical.
I am actually fixing MIDI muting. This will be available in 3.0.6.
Internet rage v1
Why arent i being listened to.
Its other users fault.
Its you forum Nazis.
Internet rage v2
Why arent i being listened to.
Its other users fault.
Its Brexit/Trumps fault (Insert based on which side of the water you are on)
As for the video of the "Bitch" i posted, i was asked to post it, so i did, i was asked to remove it, so i did, in my opinion she is a 'Bitch' for trying to ruin somebodies life for having a dash ornament.
My opinion is my own and i will suggest you grow up and stop saying how much this forum sucks because of YOUR issues.
Im not God, but thanks for thinking so, and i cant delete your account.
Edit* The previous post i replued to was edited, but im not changing this post for childish nonsense.
You looked a little close to enjoying Heyez's latest meltdown.
Ironically, he needs some of the meditation/mindfulness similar to the 3-eyed dude in his avatar.
@tk32 its pointless, i could try and calm him down but he would just attack anyway, its all pretty pointless internet faceless fury, that actually nobody cares about.
Was maybe dumb of me to give people credit enough to not take offence to the metaphor but either way there was no need for anyone to totally ignore my actual point and instead focus on throwing fuel on a flame that wasn't even there. Other forum users managed to ignore it as being something political.
Or he could have just said, 'can we skip the political refs
Keep smashing those battles dude
If you are a 16 year old with no driving licence, and you are fixing up your car every saturday and want the tunes on while you work, you still think the wheels are more important than the stereo ?
The point here is this, one guys fundamentals is another guys unused features, this is fact unarguable, getting wound up because Intua have made one decision over another is going to achieve one thing, self rage (which i am guilty of too,way more often than any other user here, i have to hold my hands up to that) nothing else, it wont ever change the fact they made that decision.
Intua are in business, they are not our friend, if they make a decision it will be heavily biased towards making more money, now anybody who argues about working that way is a class A a-hole, them making more money = new releases = new features = bug fixes, again another fact.
The world is full of limitless choice, if Beatmaker is not doing it for you with its feature set and extremely regular updates, then it is simple to go and use something else.
Aaah maybe its a UK thing, sorry, over here you cant drive till your 17 and then you have to have lessons and a test, so no the wheels will come after the stereo lol
And to be fair here, the wheels in this nonsense would be the play and stop button, those are the fundamentals and they already exist, being able to move the playhead around a pattern is not a fundamental (lets forget they implemented it properly in the arranger last month, so they are getting to it) needed yes but fundamental no, fundamental would mean it doesnt work without it there, and to throw it completely in your face, how exactly did you win last months beat battle if beatmaker doesnt work ?
It does work and needs some enhancements to the fundamentals that it already has.
Sorry, but im not having that whining because they got their feature, why didn't i get mine, is not just childish crap we all do, pretending it is something else is past childish and in to stupidity.
Being called on it and spitting the dummy, everybody can decide on that one for themselves.
Intua can only do what they do, hopefully the stuff i want done gets done at some point, but to be fair i actually doubt it, very little if anything i have ever asked for gets inplemented, come to think of it, wheres that dummy ?
Let’s all get along!
I’m very appreciative of the amount of things Intua ‘@mathieugarcia n @vincent’ have implemented that I’ve suggested/requested (many many!).
Must be the way I write!