Help - getting issues after moving a project folder to a new location
I save as I go along - problem is after moving a Project Folder to another Folder/Location when I have made any changes to my projects I think Bm3 is saving these changes in the Documents /Sessions folder by default and not to the folder I moved the project to.
I noticed this after transfering a project to another ipad some files were missing in the folder which I moved the files to.
I tried Save/Save and copy samples. Its mainly the arrangement mixer settings and any paattern changes I have made
Are there any default settings in Bm3
Thanks in advance for any tips
Save will save to the current loaded session, no matter where it is located, save as will save to the session folder only.
I will be posting a video on good housekeeping for sessions files in the next few days.
Ok cool cheers
In my video i show a way to do archival that does not need renaming at all
Also using my method, once you save as with copy samples, you can zip archive and save space, it is just a much better way of working than using the default open/save session options.
I also can't wait. My own habits have lapsed a bit lately, and I need to get back in control of my folders, samples and archive process