dropbox: preview/load files directly from dropbox (this could use a local temp file to actually load the content from, but rather than having to transfer the file from dropbox, when you select it, it copies the file from dropbox to a temp file and then loads the temp file... this way it's like your using dropbox as a "local" filesystem, but don't have to copy over the files over first)
I'd also like to see the ability to move/group tracks and/or chose the colours yourself.
e.g. I have a midi track for an external instrument like Magellan and an audiobus track for Magellan that are either grouped or can be placed next to each other and coloured the same.
+ much thinner mixer tracks, so more tracks will be visible at screen. at least for ipad ..
+ possibility to NAME mixer tracks (when i have 16 FX tracks there, it is very hard to remember which is what <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
+ multitrack export based on mixer track not arrange tracks
+ possibility to reorder tracks in arrange view
+ improve quality of FXs (mostly Filter and Reverb needs improvement)
+ LOT better distortion/overdrive module with more settings , dream about multiband distortion
+ VA synth with supersaw oscillators, unisono (8x, with detune + spread option), good modmatrix (with source:destination many:many, or at least 1:many, not just boring 1:1), 4x LFO, 4x Env, 3 oscillators with subosct, FM modulation... <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->
A offline .bmk2 sound creator that makes drum banks and keyboard sounds and banks.Layering sounds takes forever.....It would be mac or pc program to make life easier.
Now with audiobus in full force, I think that a switch to "arm record" style behavior of the transport may be in order. Like it works after pressing record,(the record button can be toggled on/off)
when using other apps as sources thru audiobus, pressing record in bm2 should only arm record, not start the sequencer. Then if bm is clocked to the app being recorded, we only need to press play in the app and bm2 will start recording in time. There are numerous threads that this would solve I think.
Also, I can't get any app to slave to BM2, except animoog, which takes a laughable 3-4 whole bars to lock up. Thoughts?
How about a quick save button- that's always visible no matter what window is open...
Maybe a button within the drum machine/keyboard sampler to access midi properties for that device, which would save a trip back to the devices window to change midi channels etc
I think a good ideal for BM3 or a future update would be the ability to use other apps loaded in audio bus while in BM2. A way this could be work would be that lets say you have sunrizer loaded as an input in audiobus,if you load up a empty keyboard sampler, then you can have the option through midi to use sunrizer. But also to record the audio using an audio track from audio bus.
This would make BM2 and audio bus even easier to use, because you would be able to have better timing. If your a noob like me and can't see the bars or beats of your song you working on in BM2 when using other apps it can throw off your timing. But if your able to control the other apps via midi but record the sound through audio bus this may make using synths even easier. Cause listening to click to try and get my timing right can be a bit difficult for me.
1: run Audiobus, load Sunrizer in input slot, load BM2 in output slot.
2: tap to open Sunrizer, wait for it to go back to AB
3: tap to open BM2, select New Project, wait for it to return to AB
4: Tap BM2 again, select New Project again
5: A new project containing a single Audio Instrument is created. The instrument is already set up to record from Sunrizer.
At this point you have two ways to go. you can even choose both, but you have to make sure you don't get doubled playback. Mute is your friend!
Choice a: Record the audio. +: can transfer to desktop DAW, -: choice of patch is frozen here. +:but can run Sunrizer again on another track with a different patch.
a6:Go to BM2 MIDI references and ensure inputs are all turned off (you will be playing Sunrizer direct)
a7: go to Sunrizer MIDI preferences and ensure your keyboard input is the only one enabled, and the channel matches the keyboard.
a8: start BM2 recording, wait on the count-in, and start playing. Stop when done.
Choice b: record the MIDI +: can experiment with Sunrizer patches -: will have to find another Synth on the desktop DAW
This is a bit more complex.
b6: in BM2 create an empty Sampler instrument. Set its In and Out MIDI channels to what you want to use, both the same.
b7: Disarm record for the Audio Instrument created for Audiobus
b8: go to BM2 MIDI prefs. Enable only your keyboard input, and only Sunrizer output. Enable MIDI Through
b9: go to Sunrizer MIDI prefs. Set it to the same channel as BM2, but ensure ALL inputs are turned off.
b10: Start BM2 recording, play something, stop, play back.
Rinse and Repeat. Probably do b until you get what you want, then freeze it as an audio track using option a.
I think the ability to automate tempo changes would be a good idea. I can't for the life of me figure out how to that in BM2 currently and a member of the forum named rusty made a thread, which lead me to realize it currently can not be done.
I would like to be able to do a drop out effect. Drop out/mute all sound or mute certain tracks for a given time... Example... In a rap verse, Dropping out the music on the last word of a punch line.
Also once the very popular request that the keyboard sampler be easier to create patches, maybe the presets can be an in app purchase, (free of course) for those that don't have the space for samples they just won't have time to use.
Then BM2 instrument presets would start popping up everywhere if Intua created a store to promote presets for sale and such...
I'm making about my 3rd request for resampling! Please, Intua! I'd love a way to make stereo tracks mono from BeatMaker 2! Also, Acidized or Apple Loops would be a welcome addition, along with real-time time stretching on the timeline.
That is already possible with track solo...
Create an " automation" track for the track you want to solo.
Draw a short sequence where you want the track soloed
Double tap to open the editor
Down in the bottom right corner, tap and choose "track solo"
Draw in the solo.. Up is on, down is off. The visual feedback could be better but it does work.
If you are talking about on the fly soloing, just use the mixer
How about when you use the quick load feature the last directory you close out of should remain remembered somehow by the app. So that way once you hit quickload again it will load up the same directory. That way when you're loading a drum kit and you switch banks it becomes easy to just continue loading in drums with the quickload feature rather than having to go back to the same directory and etc.
This way the last directory you opened should always be what opens. Also for those that don't prefer this functionality there could be and off switch for it in the app's settings menu.
How about a switch on the compressor for pre fader side chaining?
Sometimes it's nice to use a track to trigger the side chain, but we don't want to hear it in the mix.
Hey by dubhausdisco i did but it was super finicky. Kind of hard to drop everything out at the right spot. But i haven't had time to really play with it. I'll keep you posted on my research.
Yeah, it would help if there were some visual feedback on the solo automation... Good Luck!
Another request for BM3:
since BM2 has become audiobus compatible, and it plays so nice with external midi controllers and synths etc,(except for program change, aftertouch recording, and one other BIG one that i forget right now...), how about having a new "external" instrument. Like the keyboard inst but maybe an interface that has keys, with swiping left/right for a couple of xy pads, Drum Pads, and some assignable faders and knobs.
It would solely be for controlling apps in the input slot of Audiobus,(or JACK if it were to ever happen), external hardware synths, or even a softsynth loaded up on a laptop. <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
i would love to see non-destructive fade in/out handles on clips in the audio tracks.
the ability to route from one track to any audio track - like to live record the master(if you wanted to record a live jam session). or to record 2 live tracks(like a keyboard jam, and a drum machine jam both recorded at the same time on separate audio tracks)
jack support.
more effects slots per track.
an lfo section where you could assign any number of lfos to any effect parameter on any track(sure you can automate parameters but lfos are nice to achieve unexpected and more colorful results)
also, it would be awesome to have a slew of cool new effects - like a convolution reverb(ipad2's can even handle this effect well in apps like auria), pitch shifter, and longer delay effect for doing fun feedback loop stuff(for those of us who use bm2 to make ambient and experimental music)... even if they were in app purchases, that still would be awesome to have a bunch of new effects/audio mangling options.
e.g. I have a midi track for an external instrument like Magellan and an audiobus track for Magellan that are either grouped or can be placed next to each other and coloured the same.
+ possibility to NAME mixer tracks (when i have 16 FX tracks there, it is very hard to remember which is what <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
+ multitrack export based on mixer track not arrange tracks
+ possibility to reorder tracks in arrange view
+ improve quality of FXs (mostly Filter and Reverb needs improvement)
+ LOT better distortion/overdrive module with more settings , dream about multiband distortion
+ VA synth with supersaw oscillators, unisono (8x, with detune + spread option), good modmatrix (with source:destination many:many, or at least 1:many, not just boring 1:1), 4x LFO, 4x Env, 3 oscillators with subosct, FM modulation... <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->
when using other apps as sources thru audiobus, pressing record in bm2 should only arm record, not start the sequencer. Then if bm is clocked to the app being recorded, we only need to press play in the app and bm2 will start recording in time. There are numerous threads that this would solve I think.
Also, I can't get any app to slave to BM2, except animoog, which takes a laughable 3-4 whole bars to lock up. Thoughts?
I could barley use certain synths because of this problem. with the synth's going faster then the global bpm of my project.
Maybe a button within the drum machine/keyboard sampler to access midi properties for that device, which would save a trip back to the devices window to change midi channels etc
This would make BM2 and audio bus even easier to use, because you would be able to have better timing. If your a noob like me and can't see the bars or beats of your song you working on in BM2 when using other apps it can throw off your timing. But if your able to control the other apps via midi but record the sound through audio bus this may make using synths even easier. Cause listening to click to try and get my timing right can be a bit difficult for me.
Have you read the manual Dee?
Can you help me my brother?
I didn't know this was possible.
2: tap to open Sunrizer, wait for it to go back to AB
3: tap to open BM2, select New Project, wait for it to return to AB
4: Tap BM2 again, select New Project again
5: A new project containing a single Audio Instrument is created. The instrument is already set up to record from Sunrizer.
At this point you have two ways to go. you can even choose both, but you have to make sure you don't get doubled playback. Mute is your friend!
Choice a: Record the audio. +: can transfer to desktop DAW, -: choice of patch is frozen here. +:but can run Sunrizer again on another track with a different patch.
a6:Go to BM2 MIDI references and ensure inputs are all turned off (you will be playing Sunrizer direct)
a7: go to Sunrizer MIDI preferences and ensure your keyboard input is the only one enabled, and the channel matches the keyboard.
a8: start BM2 recording, wait on the count-in, and start playing. Stop when done.
Choice b: record the MIDI +: can experiment with Sunrizer patches -: will have to find another Synth on the desktop DAW
This is a bit more complex.
b6: in BM2 create an empty Sampler instrument. Set its In and Out MIDI channels to what you want to use, both the same.
b7: Disarm record for the Audio Instrument created for Audiobus
b8: go to BM2 MIDI prefs. Enable only your keyboard input, and only Sunrizer output. Enable MIDI Through
b9: go to Sunrizer MIDI prefs. Set it to the same channel as BM2, but ensure ALL inputs are turned off.
b10: Start BM2 recording, play something, stop, play back.
Rinse and Repeat. Probably do b until you get what you want, then freeze it as an audio track using option a.
It seems like A is more what I want to use because I would rather have the audio recorded but I will like to record it in BM2.
I will try it this weekend because I have a lot of school work to do.
I think the ability to automate tempo changes would be a good idea. I can't for the life of me figure out how to that in BM2 currently and a member of the forum named rusty made a thread, which lead me to realize it currently can not be done.
Also once the very popular request that the keyboard sampler be easier to create patches, maybe the presets can be an in app purchase, (free of course) for those that don't have the space for samples they just won't have time to use.
Then BM2 instrument presets would start popping up everywhere if Intua created a store to promote presets for sale and such...
That is already possible with track solo...
Create an " automation" track for the track you want to solo.
Draw a short sequence where you want the track soloed
Double tap to open the editor
Down in the bottom right corner, tap and choose "track solo"
Draw in the solo.. Up is on, down is off. The visual feedback could be better but it does work.
If you are talking about on the fly soloing, just use the mixer
How about when you use the quick load feature the last directory you close out of should remain remembered somehow by the app. So that way once you hit quickload again it will load up the same directory. That way when you're loading a drum kit and you switch banks it becomes easy to just continue loading in drums with the quickload feature rather than having to go back to the same directory and etc.
This way the last directory you opened should always be what opens. Also for those that don't prefer this functionality there could be and off switch for it in the app's settings menu.
1) showing the name of the last autosaved project.
2) Dropbox file preview
Did the soloing work for you?
Sometimes it's nice to use a track to trigger the side chain, but we don't want to hear it in the mix.
Another request for BM3:
since BM2 has become audiobus compatible, and it plays so nice with external midi controllers and synths etc,(except for program change, aftertouch recording, and one other BIG one that i forget right now...), how about having a new "external" instrument. Like the keyboard inst but maybe an interface that has keys, with swiping left/right for a couple of xy pads, Drum Pads, and some assignable faders and knobs.
It would solely be for controlling apps in the input slot of Audiobus,(or JACK if it were to ever happen), external hardware synths, or even a softsynth loaded up on a laptop. <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
the ability to route from one track to any audio track - like to live record the master(if you wanted to record a live jam session). or to record 2 live tracks(like a keyboard jam, and a drum machine jam both recorded at the same time on separate audio tracks)
jack support.
more effects slots per track.
an lfo section where you could assign any number of lfos to any effect parameter on any track(sure you can automate parameters but lfos are nice to achieve unexpected and more colorful results)
also, it would be awesome to have a slew of cool new effects - like a convolution reverb(ipad2's can even handle this effect well in apps like auria), pitch shifter, and longer delay effect for doing fun feedback loop stuff(for those of us who use bm2 to make ambient and experimental music)... even if they were in app purchases, that still would be awesome to have a bunch of new effects/audio mangling options.
love this app regardless!