Consolidated bugs List - will update soon
I will keep this list updated with bugs as much as possible, they will be removed once fixed.
If you have the capability to confirm the unconfirmed ones that would be a great help.
Confirmed UI/UX
Double tapping pattern issues
Pattern issues
Pad name not updating in pattern view
Double click to add new pattern duplicates previous pattern instead of creating a new pattern
Drag n Drop bank preset to banks removes pattern data
Step modulator color not updating immediately
Audio Output Not Showing Up in MIxer Session
Switching out of keyboard view removes sustain
Crossfade controls broken
Select mode forgotten when switching views
Scroll not consistent in pattern editor
Selected pad/track not in focus in mixer
Step modulator fullscreen kills transport
Fixed velocity issue
Piano roll no preview
Arranger swipe glitch
UI updates issue
Strange glitch lines when playing samples
Weird gfx glicthes
Some parameters missing modulation options
Parameter text input making no sense
Duplicate macro listings
FX list jumping
Sample list not updating/refreshing
Sticky arrows
Confirmed Load/Save/Browser
Save bank in current directory does not support sub directories
Can't move banks/Save bank in current directory/ignores sub directories
Browser not deleting folders
Solo state forgotten on reload
IAA unload plugin lag and strange noises
3.0.5 critical fix caused browser lag
Loading a plugin does not remove sample
Long file names not supported
Search issues
IAP extremely slow download
Confirmed MIDI/Sequencer
MIDI import bugs
MIDI Import bugs pt2
MIDI Import bugs pt3
MIDI import bugs pt4
Stuck MIDI notes
Timing Issues in sequences
Velocity adjust is broken
Autoscale does not work on audio clips in the timeline
Apple Pencil incorrect behaviour in Piano Roll
Zoom in pattern cuts out sound
MIDI from external source creates negative size patterns
Negative length patterns pt2
Switching pads during recording
MIDI routing bugs
Pattern select makes arranger go mental
No touch control after drag in pattern
Moving around timeline cuts samples off
Beatmaker MIDI input port not available
Aftertouch broken
Paste scene in to song broken
Song and scenes not synced
Recording rolls is out of sync
Confirmed AU
Some AU not displaying properly on iPad Pro 12
AU UI preview is incomplete and plays different pads in different banks
AU preview defaults to pad 1
AU audio glitches using macro knobs
More AU macro glitches
Crashes with multiple instances of Addictive pro
Stuck notes on AU
First AU knob missing
Beathawk multi instance multi issues
AU multiples issue on Pro
Sync and pitch issues changing samplerate AU
Pitchwheel glitch with AU IAA
AU do not trigger correctly on any pad above 17, any bank
AU Automation bugs
MIDI AU missing first note
Some AU dont work fully with navbar open
AU disappear when FX or macro open
MIDI AU host transport issues
Audio Damage
Crashes with Audio Damage plugins
Audio Damage plugins cause BM3 to stutter and freeze
AD Pumphouse crashes
Audio Damage Replicant 2 does not render correctly
Confirmed IAA
Recordings out of sync
Korg apps not routing
All IAA not showing
Audio cut out and nasty noise when unloading IAA
Confirmed sampler
Multisample/Slice issue
Multisample/Slice issue pt2
Slice focus shifting
Sample stops working
Loops/Metadata not saved with sample
Sliced samples with gaps not creating correct pattern
Slicing to pads loses channel settings
Confirmed Bank/Pads
Mute Audio+MIDI only mutes audio
Empty pad bugs
Bank MIDI settings not working
Confirmed mixer
Solo not saved
Confirmed Automation
Automation bugs 1
Automation bugs 2
Automation bugs 3 + AU Knobs bugs
Issues after idling
Being investigated
BM3 crashes after loading user banks
Strange crash of BM3
Audio recording stops working intermittently
Audio recording stops working intermittently pt2
Files app issue
Duplicate undo crash
Macros losing order
Audio track input label not refreshing
Bank save jump
Encoders not working properly
Stem export issue
Metronome too loud
Strange UI latching issues
More UI latching issues
Duplication crash
AudioBus3 32 unreadable MIDI ports that can't be turned off
Undo state lost after idle
Program Change for AU instances Not Working
Sample editing bugs
Slicer FX bug
MIDI Learn bug
MIDI controller issues
Sequencer duplicate part crash
Open session crash
CPU issues
Pad erase erases wrong notes
Sound interference
MIDI out sending wrong note repeats
Pattern change bug when routed to an audio track
Pattern length samples not playing correctly
Mono Recording issue
Mass sample import issue
Key mode stuck on
View glitch
Corrupt project
MIDI editing imprecise
Touch screen pad glitch
iPad 12.9 Pro audio glitches
iPad 12.9 Pro audio glitches pt2
link losing sync
Bulk import freeze
Edit sample crash
Sounds continue after stop
Automation cant be deleted
Normalize issue
Search issue
Last slice crash
Project not saving
Effects gone and crash after reload
Repeat wont record past bar 1
Moving around timeline cuts audio
Normalize and undo crash
Sample start/end markers jumpy
Sample path strangeness
Sample Autoslice Grid has latency, not on grid
Favourites lost after rescan
Pattern name not updating
Sample duration changes
Beatmaker silenced after switching apps
Key arrow up down sticking in G
Ableton Link drift
Audio issues
Metronome focus action issue
Selection across pads not updated correctly
Random behaviour
Bluetooth panel bug
Awaiting developer comment
Chords not sent to IAA or external hardware
Single channel MIDI control for non focused bank
Pads Y velocity position forgotten after restart
EQ default not flat
Fade out on mute
Unmapped notes still mute their group
Limiter is not a limiter
Undo issues
Double tap to create new pattern, not new pattern
Transport question
Just for clarity, closed means closed to comments, not that the bug list is no more, thank you @Nick for pointing out that it looked like it was being closed for good.
Updates will be regular.
I have stickied across the entire forum so it is always visible.
Gonna unsticky this and let it die, its gotten out of hand and is too hard to read, just use the search instead
Reopening this and will update it, seems to be all the rage !!
Yep, it's in the consolidated requests thread (not here, which is bugs only)
I don't know where to post this bug.. my issue is BM3 not working in the background. BM3 has to be open and on screen in order to work.. (can't have AUM screen open)...... ALSO i have to go through certain steps in order to get BM3 to work in AUM (1st open BM3 dont open session, then open AUM load session.... then back to BM3 to load session)... thank you SO MUCH for an amazing APP!! it's really hard to do these live shows with out it! please fix!! (if you can make it work with the IPAD backlight screen off, that would be AWESOME!!!) Intua TEAM ROCKS!!!!
Not a bug.
Settings > Background Audio ON.
And your AUM setup should stop disconnecting when you do this.
Replied to you on FB and here from your other post.